Author: Cybersecure California

  • Mid-Year Cybersecurity Check-In: Assessing Your Security Posture

    As we enter June, we’ve reached the midpoint of the year — a perfect time for a mid-year cybersecurity check-in. This period serves as an opportunity to assess, review, and recalibrate your cybersecurity strategies and practices. A lot can change in the digital world in six months; staying proactive and adaptive is key. Let’s delve…

  • The Global Impact of Cybersecurity: Understanding Your Role in Digital Citizenship

    As May comes to a close, we turn our attention to the broader, global impact of cybersecurity. In an increasingly interconnected world, cybersecurity isn’t just an individual or organizational concern; it’s a global one. Each of us plays a critical role in maintaining the digital landscape’s security and integrity. This week, let’s explore the concept…

  • Securing Personal Devices: A Guide for Everyone

    In our interconnected world, personal devices like smartphones, tablets, and laptops are not just conveniences; they are necessities. However, these devices also represent potential security vulnerabilities if not properly protected. This week, let’s focus on practical steps everyone can take to secure their personal devices against cyber threats. Understanding the Risks Personal devices are at…

  • The Evolving Landscape of Cyber Threats: Staying Ahead of the Curve

    As we navigate through the digital age, the landscape of cyber threats continues to evolve at a rapid pace. Staying informed about the latest threats and trends is crucial for maintaining robust cybersecurity defenses. This week, let’s explore the current state of cyber threats and discuss strategies to stay ahead of these evolving challenges. Understanding…

  • Data Breach Response: Steps to Take When Your Data is Compromised

    No matter how robust your cybersecurity defenses are, the possibility of a data breach is never entirely off the table. When sensitive information is compromised, the steps you take immediately after can significantly impact the severity of the consequences of the breach. This week, we’ll walk through the essential steps every organization should take when…

  • Navigating Safely: Secure Web Browsing Practices

    As we step into May and continue our journey in cybersecurity, let’s focus on an everyday activity that is central to most of our digital lives – web browsing. The internet is an incredible resource, offering a wealth of information and services. However, it’s also fraught with potential security risks. This week, we’ll explore essential…

  • Kaiser Permanente Cyber Attack Exposes 13.4 Million Users Data – GBHackers

    Kaiser Permanente Cyber Attack Exposes 13.4 Million Users Data – GBHackers

    Kaiser Permanente, one of the largest healthcare providers in the United States, was the victim of a cyber attack that compromised the personal information of approximately 13.4 million users.This incident, which involved unauthorized access to the systems of City of Hope—a key service provider to Kaiser Permanente—has raised serious concerns about the privacy and security…

  • During National Small Business Week, Take Steps to Secure Your Business – CISA

    This year, during National Small Business Week, we celebrate the more than 32 million small businesses that are the backbone of our economy and so often the heart of our communities. Whether these businesses are found in small towns, big cities, or places in between, there are practical steps you can take to secure them…

  • Honeywell: USB Malware Attacks on Industrial Orgs Becoming More Sophisticated

    Honeywell: USB Malware Attacks on Industrial Orgs Becoming More Sophisticated

    Industrial giant Honeywell has published its sixth annual report on the threat posed by USB-borne malware to industrial organizations, warning of an increase in sophistication.  The report is based on analysis conducted by the company’s Global Analysis, Research and Defense (GARD) team using data collected by a security product designed to detect and block malware…

  • Cybersecurity Spring Cleaning: Reviewing and Updating Your Strategies

    As April comes to a close, and with it the promise of new beginnings that spring brings, it’s the perfect time for a cybersecurity spring cleaning. Just as you might declutter your home or office, it’s equally important to reassess and tidy up your cybersecurity strategies. This process ensures that your defenses are aligned with…