Guide for User Registration and De-registration Process

Effective user account management is critical for the security of an organization’s information systems and services. The user registration and de-registration process ensures that access rights are granted appropriately and revoked when no longer needed or when an individual’s role changes. This guide provides a framework for establishing formal procedures for user registration (onboarding) and de-registration (offboarding).


To ensure that access to systems and data is aligned with individual roles and responsibilities.

To minimize the risk of unauthorized access through proper management of user accounts.

To maintain an accurate record of active users and their access levels.

User Registration Process (Onboarding)

1. Request for Access

Procedure: Define how requests for access are made (e.g., through a formal application or a direct supervisor’s request).

Information Required: Ensure the request includes necessary information such as the user’s role, required access rights, and duration of access.

2. Approval of Access

Approver(s): Identify who is authorized to approve access requests (e.g., department heads, IT administrators).

Verification: Verify the legitimacy and necessity of the access request based on the user’s role and responsibilities.

3. Account Creation

Unique Identifier: Assign a unique identifier (username) for each user.

Authentication: Set up authentication methods (passwords, tokens, etc.) and ensure they meet the organization’s security standards.

Access Rights: Assign appropriate access rights based on the principle of least privilege.

4. User Orientation and Training

Security Briefing: Provide new users with information on cybersecurity policies, acceptable use, and data protection measures.

Training: Ensure users receive necessary training on the systems and services they will access.

5. Record Keeping

Documentation: Keep a record of all user access details, including the user’s identity, access level, and justification for access.

Review Schedule: Establish a schedule for reviewing and updating user access details.

User De-registration Process (Offboarding)

1. Initiation of Departure

Notification: Establish a procedure for promptly notifying IT and security personnel when a user’s access is to be revoked (e.g., resignation, termination, role change).

Timing: Ensure access is revoked in a timely manner, preferably on the user’s last day or at the time of role change.

2. Revocation of Access

Disable Account: Ensure the user’s account is disabled, preventing login to systems and services.

Withdraw Credentials: Reclaim any physical or digital tokens, keycards, or other authentication methods.

3. Audit of Revoked Access

Verification: Verify that all access has been revoked and that the user can no longer access any systems or data.

Record Updates: Update records to reflect the de-registration and ensure all documentation is accurate.

4. Post-Departure Security Measures

Password Changes: Change shared passwords or encryption keys the user had access to.

Review of Shared Access: Review any shared folders, documents, or data the user had access to and adjust permissions as necessary.

5. Record Keeping

Documentation: Document the de-registration process, including the date of access revocation and details of the procedure followed.

Review and Audit: Periodically review offboarding records as part of the organization’s security audit process.

A formal user registration and de-registration process is crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of an organization’s information systems. By ensuring controlled access based on roles and responsibilities and timely revocation of access, organizations can significantly reduce the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

Customize this guide to align with your organization’s specific technologies, structure, and regulatory environment. Ensure that the process is well-documented, consistently applied, and regularly reviewed for effectiveness and compliance with relevant laws and standards. Consider integrating these processes with your HR procedures for seamless user management.

Integrate Strong Access Control in Your Year-Round Cybersecurity Strategy

Effective user registration and de-registration are crucial components of access control and play a significant role in maintaining the security of your organization’s information systems. It’s one of the many practices that should be embedded in your ongoing cybersecurity strategy. For a more comprehensive approach, we encourage you to utilize the “Year in Cybersecurity: Month-by-Month Roadmap for California Business Owners.”

This roadmap provides a structured plan to enhance your cybersecurity posture, detailing essential tasks and considerations for each month. By aligning your user access control procedures with the roadmap’s strategic guidelines, you’ll ensure a robust defense against unauthorized access and other cyber threats throughout the year.

Take the next step in fortifying your organization’s cybersecurity by exploring the roadmap and integrating its monthly themes into your security routine.

🔗 Dive into the Year in Cybersecurity Month-by-Month Roadmap